Madrona Library
Affordable Internet at Home
Internet Essentials provides affordable, high-speed home Internet access, with an option to purchase a low-cost computer, to eligible families with school-age children.
To find out if your family qualifies, visit the internet essentials website or call Comcast at 1-855-814-4372 for more information.
General Research Resources
- Seattle Public Schools Library Resources
- Madrona Library Catalog
- Smithsonian Encyclopedia for Kids
Reading Resources
- Your Next 5 Books (personalized book recommendations from librarians at Seattle Public Library [SPL])
- SPL Book Recommendations (for children, teens, and adults)
- Kid Book Lists (from King County Library)
- Teen Book Lists (from King County Library)
- We Read Too on Facebook
Local, National, and International News
- The Seattle Times
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer
- The New York Times
- Newspapers from Around the World
Writing Resources (for older students)
Country Information and Maps
- Background Notes: U.S. Department of State
- National Geographic Maps
- Library of Congress
- QuickMaps
- United Nations
- BBC Country Profiles
Primary Sources
- The National Archives
- National Archives Online Exhibits
- Calisphere (University of California)
- University of Washington Digital Collections
- The History Link (Pacific Northwest primary resources)